Each member of the KPEPC Board must chair a standing committee or shall serve as an officer. The Secretary/Treasurer officer shall also serve as Chair of the Finance Committee. The following committees, chaired by the members of the Board, were established to achieve the KPEPC's goals and objectives:
Executive Committee for 2025
Chair: Marianne McClure
Vice Chair: Mike Fisher
Secretary/Treasurer: Angela Akers
Members are encouraged to join one of the following committees.
Business Membership and Community Outreach Committee
Chairs: Mike Hodge
Business, Membership and Community Outreach Committee is responsible for soliciting the involvement (i.e. membership) of businesses in Kanawha and Putnam counties, in the KPEPC. This committee identifies ways in which the KPEPC can assist businesses in Kanawha and Putnam counties in preparing for disaster. The committee develops and maintains procedures for notification of hazards within the community to the community; publish public notices which includes drills, meetings, outreach programs and special communications.
Communications Systems Committee
Chairs: Phillip Fout
Communications Systems Committee is to work with local government units and members to improve communications between first responders, industry, state, local, and federal agencies. The committee reviewed participation on the weekly emergency radio test reports, to help determine if this method of communication should be continued. Lack of communications is consistently an issue in after-action reports of training, real incidents and emergencies. Communications is a National Framework Core Capability. A primary communication tool is radio communication, and should be a primary objective when planning training.
Drill Planning, Exercise and Training Committee
Chairs: Dan Taaffe
Drill Planning, Exercise & Training Committee, develops procedures for planning and executing drills and exercises that will test components of the Kanawha Putnam Emergency Management Plan. The committee assists in scheduling, soliciting participants, monitoring and evaluating all scheduled drills and exercises, plans and assists in the development of training for emergency responders, including public participation as necessary, and facilitates and supports education and training programs related to all-hazard preparedness as mandated by federal standards, identified gaps, and/or local needs.
Finance Committee
Chair: Angela Akers
The Secretary/Treasurer, in conjunction with the administrative staff and other committee members, prepares an annual budget which is presented to and approved by the KPEPC Board of Directors and the KPEPC General Membership. The Secretary/Treasurer approves the monthly financial statements and reports generated by the administrative staff. Monthly financial reports are prepared and distributed with the minutes for each Board of Directors and General Membership meetings.
Hazard Assessment, Planning and Mutual Resources Committee
Chair: Tim Skiles
Hazard Assessment, Planning & Mutual Resources Committee works with the City of Charleston, Kanawha and Putnam County Offices of Emergency Services to review and update the Kanawha Putnam Emergency Management Plan (The Plan). This emergency management plan outlines processes, capabilities, and resources of all jurisdictions, levels of government and private sectors into a cohesive approach to incident management.
Plan Implementation and Evaluation Committee
Chair: Ryan Bremar
The Plan Implementation and Evaluation Committee (PIE) reviews all incidents involving hazardous materials that meet the Federal EPA Reportable Quantity guidelines activation of the Kanawha Putnam Emergency Management Plan or at the request of the KPEPC Executive Committee. This comprehensive review shall include the internal emergency response at the site where the incident occurred and the response from city, county, state and local emergency response organizations. The committee evaluates the effectiveness and implementations of the emergency response plan and recommends corrective actions and opportunities for improvement.
Annual Election
The Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the general membership and shall serve for terms of three years. One third of the Directors plus any vacant positions shall be elected annually.
To be nominated to the Board, the member, must have been a member and attended at least one-half of the General Membership Meetings during the previous calendar year.
To be reelected for a second three-year term, the Board member, must have attended at least one-half of the Board Meetings and at least one half of the General Membership Meetings during the previous calendar year.
Rotation - Any voting member of the Board who shall serve as such for six consecutive years shall be ineligible for reelection or reappointment for a period of one year thereafter. A person so appointed shall serve until the next ensuing annual meeting of the KPEPC’s general membership, at which time a successor shall be elected to fill the vacancy from the remainder, if any, of the unexpired term.
Ex-Officio Members - The Board shall include three ex-officio members who are the Emergency Services Director of Kanawha County, the Emergency Services Director of Putnam County and the Emergency Services Director of the City of Charleston. Each ex-officio board member shall serve as emergency planning advisors to the Board; shall be a member of the KPEPC; will be a nonvoting Board member; and shall not be required to chair a standing committee.